Happy Birthday Flowers Gif image messages
How about some happy, happy to go with that birthday? You deserve it!
It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s ok. I’m getting older. I’m getting older. I’m getting older. Trying to convince myself that everything will be alright. Happy Birthday!
Wish, wish, wish on a fish! I guess they work the same as stars. Time will tell! Happy Birthday!
Do a lot of new stuff. Try not to get into any trouble. It’s your birthday…enjoy!
On your birthday, try to stay in the “safe zone”. It’s just like using your cell plan, stay in the boundaries and nobody gets hurt! Happy Birthday!
Who knew that we would have robots that can clean our carpets? Seems like life is getting more and more simple and more and more scary…all at the same time. Happy Birthday!
May you be Queen of the Day. You deserve a happy birthday!
Strike up the band! It’s your birthday! Happy Day To YOU!
Today starts a year of awesome days for you to enjoy and savor! Happy Birthday!
Even though birthdays come every year, treat this birthday like you don’t know when the next will come…and you’ll really have a blast!
It’s going to come. Mother Nature just thinks it’s so funny to send those birthdays year after year. Shame on her!
Birthday wishes will follow you wherever you go! Happy Birthday!
May your birthday be great to your soul, just like classic rock! Happy Birthday!
You know just how to make a birthday outfit look even better! Happy Birthday, Ms. Fashion!
Your life is super busy. Happy Birthday and wishes for a new year of success!
Birthday wishes for a day of happiness and a year of bliss!
Great friends and great fun…may they all be yours on your birthday!
May you have the most perfect birthday. You have totally earned it!
Happy birthday to the person who puts others before herself/himself every single day. I hope we can give you back a little of the love you show us daily. We love you!
Sending you wishes for good friends, good health, and a good life ahead on your special day.
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” — Lucille Ball
You have brought so much joy to so many people’s lives. I hope that joy fills you back up today and every day this year. Happy birthday!
Birth is very shocking. Right after I was born, I was so surprised I didn’t talk for almost two years!