Penguin picture birthday gif message
Best wishes for the most flavorful birthday ever!
Discover something wild…How to have a fantabulous birthday
On your birthday, try to stay in the “safe zone”. It’s just like using your cell plan, stay in the boundaries and nobody gets hurt! Happy Birthday!
May every bit of happiness fill your day!
Who would want a birthday without the essentials for true happiness? May yours be filled with all the brews you can chug!
Make this year’s birthday a day just for you.
Who knew that we would have robots that can clean our carpets? Seems like life is getting more and more simple and more and more scary…all at the same time. Happy Birthday!

I hope that today is the beginning of a great year for you. Happy Birthday.
We both love you to pieces! Happy Birthday!
May you be Queen of the Day. You deserve a happy birthday!
Strike up the band! It’s your birthday! Happy Day To YOU!
Today starts a year of awesome days for you to enjoy and savor! Happy Birthday!
WOW! Can you believe that this card is like way better than just a plain old “car”? It is…It’s portable, flexible, able to customized, and totally just for you…it’s a card! Can’t you see this card’s glory!!?!?
If your birthday is anything like my golf game…you are probably a lot more years than either one of us is willing to disclose. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday To You
May your birthday be like a pi?ata…a big wonderful party just waiting to happen! Happy Birthday!
Who’s counting calories? Birthdays are for sharing!
Getting your groove on could make your birthday an exceptional event. OK…we’re waiting! Happy Birthday!
Peace, love, and hair grease. That’s been the universal message for Happy Birthday since the 70’s dude!
You make having a bunch of birthdays look great!
Don’t mistake this drink for mine. It is actually a birthday gift for you that I’m just testing out. Yup…it’s good
I’m capping off your birthday with a heap of hugs and kisses!